Loving & Grieving Our Animal Companions
For those who know their animal companions are more than pets. Share stories of love, insights you have gained, and learn how they may live beyond their physical deaths. It includes time for participants to share pictures, tell stories, and integrate the loss of their companion into their lives. 3 sessions $300. Limited to 10 participants.

Pre-Passover Grief Support Check In
As we prepare for Passover we will reflect on what it means for us to be alive this Holy Day without some of our beloveds. We will have an opportunity to check in with ourselves, welcome our ancestors and angels as we honor our beloveds. We will attend to our hearts, spirits, and bodies as we loosen constrictions that we may be carrying within us. We will talk about how we can continue to honor them this Passover and how they can continue to live inside of us. $100 Limited to 8 participants.

Honoring Our Lives & Honoring Our Loves
Life is about living; life is about loving and life is about dying. Death is an ending and change we did not want. Yet, our relationships with our loved ones continue after their deaths. So, it’s a new beginning as well. If you need to make time in your life to listen to yourself, reflect, write and connect to your feelings this group is for you. It includes time for participants to share who and what they are grieving, what they are learning about their grief and a meditation on meeting one’s own death. 3 session $300. Limited to 10 participants.

Mother’s Day Grief Support Check In
Living without our mothers physically with us can feel like a piece of us is missing. Our love continues for them and so often we long for their presence. Whether you had a challenging relationship with your mother or a loving one, Mother’s Day can be very hard. Our time together includes introducing our mothers and our ‘soul’ mothers’ (those women in our lives who we relate to as nurturers who were not our biological mothers). We will speak about how their death is currently affecting us, make space for our grandmothers and ancestors offering healing to any unhealed parts of our lineage, celebrate the legacies they gave us and learn strategies to bring them into our lives in more meaningful ways. $100 Limited to 8 participants

Love & Healing Grief Check In
Cultural holidays like Valentine’s Day can be brutal for those who are mourning the losses of loves. Share stories of the loves you are grieving and what you are learning about your grief. Learn and share strategies for self-compassion and living more fully. This group is for those who have lost partners through death or divorce. $100 Limited to 8 participants.

Father’s Day Grief Support Check In
When our fathers are no longer with us we can feel undirected and unmoored. Fathers teach us how to be assertive and how to succeed. Living without them physically with us can feel like a piece of us is missing. Whether you had a challenging relationship with your father or a loving one, Father’s Day can be rough. Our time together includes introducing our fathers and our ‘soul’ fathers (those men in our lives who we relate to as nurturers not necessarily biological fathers). Speak or write about how their death is currently affecting you and about what has helped you on your journey of living your life without him here. We will also make space for our grandfathers and ancestors offering healing to any unhealed parts of our lineage, celebrating the legacy they gave us and learn strategies to bring them into our lives in more meaningful ways. $100 Limited to 10 participants

Tisha b’Av Grief & Healing Check In
In the cycle of the Jewish year, Tisha b'Av is a time of acknowledging destruction and grief. At the same time Tisha b'Av reminds us that hope can spring from destruction in surprising ways. $100 Limited to 8 Participants.

Grief & Gratitude Support Group
Sometimes in grief we can find it hard to find gratitude. When our hearts feel broken and devastated it’s all we can do to get through the day. If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, know that you are not alone. Join us for support, sharing and personal reflection. $100 Limited to 8 Participants.
Elul (High Holidays) Grief Check In
Have you lost a loved one recently or in years past? Is this loss still stinging? When we listen to our grief, and let it guide us it moves through us like a boat coursing waves or paddling down a stream. When we feel stuck, it may feel like we have been slogging through mud. Take some time to reflect on your grief journey, receive support from those who have lost a loved one and would like to talk with others experiencing similar grief and receive support and coping techniques. This year as we ready ourselves for the upcoming High Holidays, what would you like change about your grief? We will have time for personal reflection and sharing finding love and connection in sharing our stories. $100 Limited to 8 participants.

Pregnancy & Infant Loss Grief Check In
Did you know pregnancy and Infant loss affects 1 in 4 women? Dealing with death in the family is never easy. The death of a baby, either through miscarriage or during infancy, is devastating. There is no manual on how to grieve the loss of a child. If you have lost a child in pregnancy or are a family member you are welcome to share your story, receive support and hold space for others who have lived through this pain. We will light a candle together for all babies gone too soon. $100 Limited to 8 participants.

Children’s Grief Support Group for Adults
Children's Grief Awareness Day was founded to create more awareness of the needs of grieving children and how they can heal through the support of caring others. This support group is for adults who support grieving children who are open to personal reflection, sharing their experiences and learning from each other. $100 Limited to 8 Participants.

Holiday Grief Support Group
The holidays can be painful reminders of loss. We don’t want to pretend to be happy when we aren’t, but how do we manage as merriment goes on around us? Traditions and plans may have shifted since the loss of our loved one, and the emotional stress can be rough. We will take time for sharing, personal reflection and we will discuss ways to help make our grief journeys a bit easier during this time. Though there are commonalities in the grief journey, our experience and process differs as uniquely as our fingerprints. Whatever your grief you are welcome. $100 Limited to 8 participants.

Hannukah Grief Support Group & Candle lighting
Our traditions comfort us and sometimes we feel a longing for those who are no longer with us physically. Maybe we are using their Hanukkiah or adorning our tables with their linens or missing sharing this special time with them. We will have time for sharing and personal reflection, and we will discuss ways to help make our grief journeys a bit easier during this time. We will light candles together as we bless our ancestors and ask their blessing on us. $100 limited to 10 participants.